Large Flower Candles

Smaller Flower Candles

Bright Bath Towels (sheet size)- two versions

Oversized Bloom Pillows!

Oversized Flower Shaped Pillow (two versions)

Bloom Blanket

Glitch Woven Throws (Two Colorways)

5 Foot Pillows (4 Choices!)

Faux Flowers- Part 4-New Drop

Mini Victorian- Pink with Dogwood Flowers

The Classic- Clear with Flowers (New)

Mini Victorian-Teal with Tree and Birds (New!)

Wax Seals and Sealing Waxes!

Faux Flowers -Part 3 : Hydrangea, Mimosa, and Cosmos

Faux Flowers- Part 2- Witch Hazel Branches, Bougainvilla ,and Peonies (back in stock!)

Faux Flowers -Part 1 -4 Kinds!

One Of A Kind Velvet Animals! The New Batch!

Needlepoint Pillows

Painted Desk Box- Wild Strrawberries

Painted Desk Box-Meadow Flowers

The Classic- Lucite Box in Grass Green

Name Box- Custom order Joyce Franicis

Sculptural Candles (Bear, Lion, and Wolf)

The Classic- Painted -White Meadow Flowers