Painted Desk Box- Wild Strrawberries

Painted Desk Box-Meadow Flowers

The Classic- Painted -White Meadow Flowers

The Classic- Painted White Flowers

The Classic- Underwater Flowers- Custom Order Only

The Classic-Painted Multi Colored Flowers

Large Painted Light Up Box!

Jumbo Mini Painted Daisy Box

Large Painted Vegetables Lucite Box

Painted Mini Victorian Flower Box

Painted Jumbo Mini Pansy Boxes - Purple

Mini Victorian Box with Painted Ladybugs

Painted Mini Victorian Cherry Blossoms Box-custom order only

Mini Victorian Painted Bees Boxes

Jumbo Mini Painted Flower Box

Petite Painted Lotus Flower Box
Mini Victorian Painted Lemons Lucite Box

Mini Victorian Painted Cherries Box - custom order only

Sold out
Painted Jumbo Minis- Herb Boxes-will be back in stock in December

Sold out
Painted Mini Victorian Box- expected re-delivery in December